Interschool Tests and Answer sheets for your team will be emailed to registered schools during the day on Tuesday, November 5th.
The schedule for Interschool round is below:
RCML Interschool Schedule
Nov. 5th Information packets and Interschool Tests and Answer sheets distributed.
Nov. 6-19 Interschool CONTEST WINDOW
Nov. 21st, midnight Last day to mail/email Interschool Answer Sheet (ONE answer sheet per school)
Dec. 5, 8 am Solutions to Interschool emailed out.
Dec. 6, noon CST Appeals deadline
Answer sheets for your team will be submitted by google form this year. Solutions will be out after Thanksgiving break. Please talk about the questions within your school but not outside your school until the solutions are posted. Awards will be given to top scoring schools. We hope you enjoy participating!
Please use the following Google form to register your school for this year's
Fall Interschool and Spring Individual Rounds.
Please be sure only teachers or school administrators complete the registration for your school!)
Individual Rounds will be held in the Spring.
Testing weeks are:
Round 1: January 8-28, 2025
Round 2: February 5-25, 2025
Round 3: March 5-28, 2025
Once all 3 rounds are completed, submit the score sheet to the google form.
In order to be eligible for awards, please have all three individual round scores submitted by March 31st to https://forms.gle/Wx7dviW1kNQKhrVd7.
Thank you for your participation!
Contest Information
The Rocket City Math League is a year-long, student-run, international, four-round math competition for middle and high school students. Tests are sent to registered schools via email before each round, and scores are entered on an online database. Trophies are mailed to the top ranked students and schools at the end of the year. There are five levels of three rounds of individual testing that range from Pre-Algebra to Calculus, and two levels of an Inter-School Test. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to rcmlstaff@gmail.com.
Contest Instructions
The interschool test is given in the fall and three rounds of individual tests are given in the spring. Tests must be completed and mailed as soon as possible.
Homeschool Policy
For those who are homeschooled and have questions, Please see this page.
Please register at the google form
Please read the Interschool Administration Letter before you give the Interschool Tests
Mu Alpha Theta & Chi Alpha Mu
The RCML competition is financially supported by Mu Alpha Theta, the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society. If your high school does not currently have a chapter, we have included a link to the petition here. The petition includes an explanation of the benefits of Mu Alpha Theta membership for schools and students. If you are at a middle school, Chi Alpha Mu, the National Middle School Mathematics Club, may offer benefits to your students interested in forming a math club. For the Chi Alpha Mu petition, with an explanation of these benefits, see here.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation